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Clean bowels, Beautiful skin! 


Healthy digestion brings healthy life

  • Are you free from stress in your daily life?
  • Is your lifestyle relaxed and care-free?
  • Can you eat at regular hours?
  • Do you eat every meal in an comfortable environment?
  • Do you eat 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruits everyday?
  • Do you practice “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away”?
  • Do you drink 8 glasses of water everyday?

To most city dwellers, their answer is “NO”. Tremendous pressure from work and the stressful working environment take people away from healthy eating habits. Digestive diseases have become a part of city life?

For most people, early stages of digestive diseases do not affect their lives so much and they are not aware of them. The lack of attention is the main cause of the increase of digestive problems in Hong Kong in recent years. 


NHT Global FibeRich® is probably the best product for digestive health in the market because it contains a “BCD” formula:


“B” is for beneficial bacteria It improves your digestive health:

FibeRich® contains 8 billion compound high-density beneficial bacteria. They keep your bowels strong and improve your digestive health.

“C” is for Vitamin C It helps your absorption of nutrients and nourishes your skin:

FibeRich® is rich in vitamin C. It promotes metabolism and keeps your skin young and tender.

“D” is for digestive fiber It cleans up the toxins in your system:

Every teaspoon of FibeRich® contains more than 6 grams of dietary fiber. It helps your bowel movement and the removal of toxic substances. Dietary fiber also gives you a feeling of a full stomach and as a result prevents you from absorbing excessive calories. Now, you can control your eating!


Everything we eat generates wastes as by-products of our own metabolism. We get rid of them through our bowel movement, urination and perspiration. If our digestive system is sick and we get constipation, the wastes in our body would accumulate and release toxic substances. Therefore, improving and maintaining digestive health is the frontline of the battle for health.

A balance diet is essential to beauty , digestive health and our well being in general. However, how many busy city dwellers in a metropolis like Hong Kong can really maintain a balance diet, get sufficient rest and exercise everyday?

Therefore, if you want a healthy digestive system and good appearance, you need to take good care of your body from “within” – FibeRich® can help you do just that! FibeRich® solves digestive problems and keeps healthy people in good shape.

NHT Global FibeRich®’s “BCD” formula conditions your bowels and overall health. Coupled with good eating habit, you will definitely keep your doctors away!


Suggested Use

  • To enjoy the benefit of FibeRich®, simply put 1 teaspoon (about 13 grams) of FibeRich® into cold water (200-250 cc) or mix it with juice. Drink before meals up to three times a day.


  • Consult your healthcare professional prior to use if taking medication or if under medical care